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برنامج ذكاء اصطناعي من غوغل يكشف السرطان       تقنية الليزر تثبت أن الديناصورات كانت تطير       يوتيوب تي في.. خدمة جديدة للبث التلفزيوني المباشر       الخارجية الأمريكية تنشر ثم تحذف تهنئة بفوز مخرج إيراني بالأوسكار       الصين تدرس تقديم حوافز مالية عن إنجاب الطفل الثاني       حفل الأوسكار يجذب أقل نسبة مشاهدة أمريكية منذ 2008       تعطل في خدمة أمازون للحوسبة السحابية يؤثر على خدمات الإنترنت       حاكم دبي يقدم وظيفة شاغرة براتب مليون درهم       ترامب يتعهد أمام الكونغرس بالعمل مع الحلفاء للقضاء على داعش       بعد 17 عاما نوكيا تعيد إطلاق هاتفها 3310       لافروف: الوضع الإنساني بالموصل أسوأ مما كان بحلب       فيتو لروسيا والصين يوقف قرارا لفرض عقوبات على الحكومة السورية       بيل غيتس يحذر العالم ويدعوه للاستعداد بوجه الإرهاب البيولوجي       ابنا رئيس أمريكا يزوران دبي لافتتاح ملعب ترامب للغولف       رونالدو وأنجلينا جولي ونانسي عجرم في فيلم يروي قصة عائلة سورية نازحة      
السر الذاتية >>Alamir Kamal Farag (English)

Alamir Kamal Farag (English)


Curriculum Vitae (English*)

Name: Alamir Kamal Farag

Nationality:  Egyptian

- Country of Residence: The United Arab Emirates (Golden Visa - Creative     Category)

- Marital status :  Married

- Education: Bachelor degree of Arts - Department of Arabic Language and Literature, with a very good grade

 ـ Profession: Writer, journalist, critic

1-   Writer in “Sharjah Cultural” magazine

2- Press editor in Al-Rafid magazine, published in Sharjah

3- Press editor in “Kul Al-Arab” magazine, published in Paris

- Publisher of a group of digital newspapers,:

Alsahafa (newspaper in 29 languages), SeeYou (video website), Bonjour (newspaper in French).

- Work Experience: (20 years in the journalistic work)

- Current work: publisher and editor-in-chief of Al-Sahafa newspaper www.alsahafa.org


- Contact details:

Email: alamir.kamal@gmail.com                      


Dubai: 00971561246691

Paris: 0033683036061

Cairo: 00201066480172

previous jobs :

Work Experience: (20 years in journalism(

* Editor-in-chief of the digital newspaper Alsahafa

* A journalist and editor for Arabic content

 *Publisher of a group of digital newspapers

 *Trainer in journalistic work skills

Last  job : A journalist and editor in Al-Watan newspaper in Saudi Arabia for 15 years.

Current work:

 Editor-in-Chief (alsahafa) digital newspaper

Address: United Arab Emirates

Professional courses obtained:

1- “Editorial Values and Journalistic Ethics” Course - Coach Youssef Khazem (Saudi Al-Watan Newspaper)

2- “Skills in journalism writing and investigations" - Coach Youssef Khazem (Saudi Al-Watan newspaper)

3- A course in NLP - Saeed Al-Awlaqi.

4- Photography course By Coca-Cola International company


He has trained many amateur and professional journalists, and translated more than 1,000 reports in new media, self-development, career development, metaverse, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and the financial industry, and offers training courses in:

Digital journalism, self-development skills, career development, metaverse, artificial intelligence, robotics, financial industry.

Training bag:

I present training courses in journalistic skills, and have trained many amateur and professional journalists in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and I have a training bag consisting of two parts:

1- The foundations, concepts and skills of journalistic work

2- Press from pen to keyboard


 * Writer, poet and journalist specializing in drafting and editorial journalism in print and online journalism.

* Preparing and editing magazines and press supplements of all kinds.

*Specialized in website development , media management, social media, and content industry.

* A trainer and offers training courses for amateur and professional journalists, and I have a training bag in the field of journalism.

* Press translation; I translate into Arabic from several languages. The most important of which are English, French and Spanish; using helping means in translation.


* Writing, editing, interviewing and covering different events.

* Drafting and editing in the daily newspaper “Alwatan” sections (economy, society, lifestyle, politics, and localities).

* Press translation, public relations, press releases, social media, digital journalism, social marketing, medical editing, fashion journalism , creating websites, preparing informational books, preparing, digital publishing, journalistic training, writing and managing web content.

Jobs I filled in my working life:

1- Editor-in-chief of the (AKF) digital newspaper (UAE)

2- Editor : Al-Watan newspaper (Saudi Arabia) from 2003 to 2019

3- Editor-in-Chief : Hawaa( Eve )World Magazine (Saudi Arabia)

4- Editing Secretary: Hawaa(Eve) World Magazine& Business and Finance Magazine (Saudi Arabia).

5- Director of Editing and Publishing: Al-Zahwan Agency (Saudi Arabia)

Press experiences:

* I worked in Saudi daily newspaper "Al-Watan" for 15 years.

* I worked as an editor, as a secretary for editing, as an editor-in-chief, and supervised the issuance of numerous magazines, press appendices, and specialized pages, in addition to media books.

* I Worked in magazines and newspapers, and moved in various departments, such as politics, localities, society, culture, economics, and others.

* I Prepared and edited numerous magazines, press releases and specialized pages published separately or within the daily edition.

* I have a long experience in digital journalism and launching websites.  I have issued 4 digital websites in the fields of news, videos, games and entertainment.

* NNC agency contracted with me to join the press team to follow up and edit the 42nd Sharjah International Book Fair (November 1: November 12, 2023)

Press translation:

I translate into Arabic from several languages; the most important of which are English, French and Spanish using some helping means .They are more than 5000 journal reports translated from international newspapers into Arabic.

Creative and press publication:

* My poetic, literary and press works have been published in many Arab publications, including: (Al-Ahram Newspaper, the Arab Magazine, Al-Hayat, Al-Manhal, Al-Jazeera, Riyadh, Okaz, Ibdaa, News, Literature News, Republic News, Tunisian Freedom, Al-Watan, Al-Rai, Al-Shaab, National Guard , Poetry, Arabic Synopsis, Evening(Almasaa), Today(Alyoom), Middle East   , The Arab Summary, National Guard ,  Alshariqa-althaqafiya ,  Arrafid, Alwosta, Alsharqia,  and others.

 Press trips:

* I attended and followed many economic, political and social conferences and events, Arab and international, in various countries, including: France, Austria, Denmark, Taiwan, Thailand, Morocco, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Lebanon, Bahrain, Morocco, Kuwait, And others... including:

1- Expo 2020 Dubai. United Arab Emirates, 2020 (6 months)

2- The World Hepatitis Summit. Austria, 2015 (4 days)

3- The World Hepatitis Summit. France, 2017 (4 days)

4- The 18th session of the Al-Babtain Cultural Foundation in Kuwait 2023 (4 days)

5- Sharjah International Book Fair “several sessions” 2023 (12 days)

 Press interviews:

     I was interviewed by Arabic newspapers, publications and websites such as: the Saudi newspaper "Al-Jazeera", the Saudi newspaper "Al-Masiya", the Tunisian newspaper "Al-Hurriya", the Moroccan magazine "Farah" and the Egyptian newspaper "Al-Rai".

The literature:

*  I wrote more than 1,000 articles in Literature, culture,  politics, , society and public work.

*I wrote many articles in Arabic, and some of my articles have been translated into English. Creative and press publication.

Several books have been published for me:

"*The Mermaid" in 1987 (poetry)

*" Venus and Sinbad" in 1993 (poetry)

"*Songs to Pretty Lady “ in 1997 (poetry)

" *King of Writing" in 1998 (articles)

Some of My books published on the internet:

"Knights of Stone” (Literature)

" AKF Alienation" (poetry)

Books under publication:

The fruit of imagination “literary articles”

Al-Matar’s biography “Critical Studies”

- The future of the poem “a critical study”

- The value system in Al-Hilali’s biography, “a critical study”


-  I established an electronic publishing unit through which he published several books for Arab authors such as:

* Herodotus trial Khufu's Secret Messages Reda Abdel Rahim (Historical Book)

*Green courtyard Ahmed Al-Beheiri (story collection)

Radio and Television :

        My poems were presented in a number of radio and television programs. The most important of which are "Drops of Dew" at Cairo Radio, by the great actress Samiha Ayoub, Mohsena Tawfiq and Karima Mukhtar.And "Poetry" on MBC FM broadcasting by the Kuwaiti writer Dr. Abdul Karim Najm. “Literature and Writers” by Ahmed Gamal El-Din, "with young writers” by Hoda El-Agaimi,” Poetry and Music" & "Egyptian Evening” by  Hikmat El-Sherbiny, “Friends Forum” by  Monte Carlo Radio, and “Listeners’ Seminar ” by  the BBC, and  "With Writers ” by Channel Six.

Press interviews:

* During  my press trip, I met many political and puplic personalities such as: the former US President George HW Bush, the former US President Jimmy Carter, former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, French President Valerie Giscard d'Estaing, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, Talal Maddah, Muhammad Abdo, and Siraj Omar , Omar Kadras, Anis Mansour, Hani Shaker, Dureid Lahham, Dr. Zaghloul El-Naggar, Dr. Mostafa Mahmoud, Dr. Mohamed Abdo Yamani, Abdel Fattah Abomdin, Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri, Elie Saab, Simon Asmar, Walid Tawfiq, George Qirdahi, Abdel-Hadi Belkhayat and Najwa Karam, Nancy Ajram, Elisa, May Chidiac, Elie Saab, Amal Hijazi , Razan Maghrabi and Mohammed Roshdi and others ..

Literary dictionaries included in it:

1- A dictionary of writers 1-7 from the pre-Islamic era until the year 2002

2- Al-Babtain Lexicon of Contemporary Arab Poets.

3- Al-Raskhoon


* Member of Union of Arab Journalists and Writers in Europe ـ Paris

* Member of International Federation of Francophone Press  (UPF)    

* Member of the Press Syndicate.

*A member of the Federation of Arab Journalists.

* Member of the Egypt Writers Union.

* Member of the Emirates Writers Union

* Member of the Arts, Letters and Social Sciences Authority.

* Member and head of the Arab Literature Group in Saudi Arabia.

*Member of some clubs and palaces of Egyptian and Arab culture such as: Abha Literary Club, Al-Qassim Literary Club, .. and others.

* I have a special experience in digital journalism and website creation, and have issued four digital websites in the news fields, video, games and entertainment.

A proud certificate:

* A testimony from the leading Arab journalist, major journalist Mustafa Amin, before his death; he wrote:

“May I congratulate you on your perseverance and efforts in the world of journalism. I took a look at your magazine and admired the design, the content, the beautiful production and the elegant printing, and I saw your great effort, and I congratulate you with all my heart. I felt your love for the press, and the success of the press is a love story, who gives it Too much, give it a lot, so go your path to success. "

* The critic PhD Ahmed Ali Mansour said ;

 "Alamir Kamal Farag is the fastest poet in phonology of meters-Alarood- of poetry. This means reviewing the poetic text in speech or listening, and converting it into feet using the stressed and unstressed syllables  , to ensure his commitment to poetry and poetic rhythm .

* The intellectual Dr. Omar Abdulaziz, the head of studies at Sharjah Department of Culture, said.

“Your voice message indicates your high spirit and good nobility, and the fact that you meet people in great meanings. These meanings that unite us are based on love, friendliness, management of matters and sharing of opinions. In addition, I am very much honest - and this is not only in front of you - I admire your horizontal professional performance and the vertical at the same time.This inner energy that you enjoy stems from the end of a divine favor, and stems from matters that go beyond rational and demonstrative logic, and your position is a witness to that, and your wide presence in journalistic writing and cultural writing in the broad sense of the word, indicates that.”

* The intellectual,Dr, Muhammad Othman Al-Khosht, President of Cairo University, said;

“Alamir Kamal Farag is a capable journalist writer, and I admire his valuable writings that exude love for the homeland presenting a sincere vision of its issues and its future.The smoothness of his style reminds me of the majestic Egyptian school of journalistic writing.”

* Tunisian writer and critic Abdel Salam Lasaila said in an interview he conducted with him in the Tunisian newspaper “Al-Hurriya”:

“Alamir Kamal Farag is an Arab poet from sister Egypt. In his poetry as well as in his prose, language has a special flavour, and expressions have a special flavour. Anyone who reads his poetry realizes that he has a distinct poetic personality and has his own unique poetic dictionary.”

* The Saudi writer and critic Dr. Adnan Al-Muhanna said in an interview he conducted with him in the Saudi Al-Jazeera newspaper:

“Alamir Kamal Farag spins the banner of poetry, and continues with it tirelessly, and they do not become sad. His first name is “Alamir”... The strength and severity of literature is marked in him, because he swallows it and a stark light creep from its offerings that sends him to the morning, entwined with pulse, heart and palpitations.

He is a young man who manages his talents, presents them with a polished vein, and elevates them from mere comprehensive, fleeting, and thought-provoking literary arts to purposeful and distinct arts. He writes the myth of the rhythm of youth, in a sweet oval time, all of its segments of which are blazing antelopes yearning for glory and are awakened by a flourishing ray of literature. And technology, and novels of storms and waterfalls. I admire in this writer his humble nobility that keeps his strength strong, and he carries out the remains of creativity and verbal innovation in poetry, novels, and articles.

A great flash is carried by the “brain” of Alamir Kamal Farag, but he is also armed with confidence in all the things he plans, and he has complete immunity to the fever of competition in this time, and with a masculine fragrance that is sipped by the horizons. Here he is in our intellectual and spontaneous topics, scanning them with his eyes and thoughts, and calming their splendor.

* André Mohawej, Editor in chief of Radio Monte Carlo International in Paris, said:

"Welcome. It was also an honor to meet you, and it was a good occasion and a very fruitful and useful session. Perhaps it will be repeated, and you are welcome to add value to Monte Carlo programs. Your article is interesting, with an easy and expressive style, with a journalistic and literary flow, and a narration of the history of radio in an interesting, scientific way. Thank you for expressing my thoughts better than I could have expressed myself.”

Writers and academics who took my poetry critically:

Dr. Youssef Ezz El-Din (Iraq), Dr. Ahmed Maher El-Bakry (Egypt), Mr. Al-Jazayeri (Egypt), Munir Mutawa (Egypt), Mohamed Obeid (Egypt), Hatem Sadiq (Syria), Dr. Hussein Arab (Saudi Arabia), Abdel Salam Saila’( Tunisia), Abd al-Rahman al-Misawi (Tunis), Dr. Abdulaziz Sharaf (Egypt).

Certificates and shields:

I Obtained many certificates of appreciation and memorial shields, including:

*Shield of Literary Excellence - from the Directorate of Culture in Gharbia- Egypt.

*A certificate of appreciation and an honorary shield at the honoring ceremony for media professionals - the Egyptian consulate in Jeddah.

TV interviews:

- A television interview conducted with him by the “Amasi” program on Sharjah TV on 2/11/2022, on the occasion of the honor:


A radio interview conducted with him by journalist Kaby Latif, on the “Hiwar” program on Monte Calo International Radio on 6/11/2024.



 * I own a huge archive of millions of press photos, collected over the course of his long press journey and a part of which he photographed himself.

*I have a number of "traditional and digital" professional cameras that I uses for journalistic work.

Newspapers and magazines I cooperated with:

*Al-Hayat newspaper, The Arab magazine, Al-Manhal magazine, Al-Hayat newspaper, The Arab magazine, Al-Manhal magazine, Alshariqa-althaqafiya, arrafid. 

Magazines issued or contributed to their preparation and implementation:

*Literary magazine "Defaf"

*Money and business

*Health and beauty

*The new text

*Dallah Al-Baraka

Digital sites and newspapers issued by me :

1- Alsahafa Newspaper:


Newspaper in (29 languages)

2- SeeYou Website:


*A site dedicated to video journalism, games and entertainment."

3- bonjour Newspaper :

www. bonjour.net

French language newspaper

Digital press:
I have a special experience in publishing journalistic subjects in different languages, where I started through the newspaper (AKF); the experience of launching press sections in 29 international languages, namely:

Sections of languages in Alsahafa:
1- Arabic (the newspaper’s primary language)

2- First (English) First

3- Wall (German) Mauer

4- Taj Mahal (Hindi) ताजमहल

5- Bullfighting (Spanish) Toros

6- Queen (Dutch) De koningin

7- Florence (Italian) Firenze

8- Tsar (Russian) Цезарь

9 lantern (Chinese)

10 - Good morning (French) Bonjour

11- Diversity (Indonesian) Keragaman

12- Sunshine (Japanese)

13- Mevlevi (Turkish) Mevlevi

14 orange (Portuguese) laranja

15- The Return (Hebrew) השיבה

16- Unit (Korean) 단위

17 -  heroes (Hungarian)Hősök 

18- Homer (Greek) Όμηρος

19- Justice (Swedish) Rättvisa

20 - The Castle (Czech) Hrad

21 Lahore (Urdu) Lapur

22- Best (Finnish) Paras

23 Kolinda (Croatian) Kolinda

24 luksus (Norwegian) luksus

 25- Walesa (Polish) Wałęsa

26- Danube (Roman) Dunărea

27 Karpaty (Slovak) Karpaty

28- Bangkok (Thai) กรุงเทพฯ

29- Freedom (Persian) Azadi


        *Arabic version

        *English version

       *French version







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