The man consists of a body and soul, and sleeping is not only important for the body, but also is very important to the soul. As body needs to rest, also the soul needs to rest, as the body needs to food and medicine, the soul needs support and kindness.
There are many reasons for why God created sleeping, some we know, and others we don’t. But simply and in general, every one knows that sleeping at night makes you rest and able to work hard the next day.
Increasing or decreasing the number of sleeping hours has no effect on our life time. The Arabic poet, Ahmed Ramy, says in one of his wonderful poems that; “you can’t increase your life time by spending much time sleeping, nor decreasing it by staying awake all the night”. But the problem now is that it became very hard to sleep. We stay all the night with our open eyes staring at nothing, just awake all the night anxious and apprehensive exactly as a little bird chased by a hunter, so it can’t stay and rest or relax.
Sleeping became something rare these days and few people who can sleep well at night. This is mainly because of the nature of our modern life that worry, tension, strain, and gloominess are the most prominent characteristics of the age. Even if we could sleep, it would be an irregular slight sleep. In the past it was easy to fell asleep, a deep comfortable sleep without a move of the body, but now; it’s a very slight sleep; we even get up and move restlessly all the time. We may close our eyes, but the mind is working without rest.
There is no relation between the ability to sleep well and being rich. May be we find some of the poor can sleep well, while many of the rich try to sleep just a nap. There is a strong connection between sleeping and the peace of mind, regardless of any thing else. If we could achieve the peace of mind, we would rest and sleep