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The Potential Virus | Alamir Kamal Farag

When Barak Opama won the United States presidency elections, every one was so happy for a very strange reason that Obama is the first black president in the United States history. They were not so glad for his efficiency, political skills, or his platform which he had announced. They were glad just for being him black.

They were not embarrassed for expressing their joy. Also many people in many countries were so happy especially in the countries that their people are almost black. So, the case now is not a case of a new president election who may erase the bad traces of his predecessor, the ex-president George Bosh, the case now is the feeling of racial triumph between white and black.

This shows the indulgence of the mankind in backwardness. After many centuries of the Renaissance of the humanity and after all these years that passed since the emancipation, there are some who still think in such way, they still think about being white or black, lord or slave.

On the other hand, this great joy, for being the black emigrant from Kenya, Opama, the president of the

United States refers to that a very old problem still has its stem inside us. We thought that it was completely over. This problem is not just inside the black Americans, but inside the peoples of many countries, the problem of feeling the black men with racial discrimination and injustice treatment even if it was banned by law.

This feeling still controls most of black skin peoples all over the world whether it was announced or not.

But the case is different or even rare in the Islamic countries. The equivalence is one of the most important doctrines in our religion. "There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab except in faith",

So the case is already judged 1500 years ago. The Islam's main aim is put an end to this racism, whatever this racism is out of nationality, color, or the society's classes. The only criterion of the difference between people is faith.

In Islam, the slave and the lord, the poor and the rich, the white an the black, all are equal. One of the most obvious examples is the high rank of the great companion of the Prophet "Blal Ebn Rabah" who was black.

Talking joyfully about the black man's assumption of a job, particular job, is very embarrassing and even ridiculous. It makes us go decades in backwardness. It asserts that racism is potential inside us. It becomes clear when necessary, or even it sometimes is clear but we are not aware of that. It was so clear when Opama won in the elections.

Since the racial discrimination policy broke down in South Africa, I thought that the evaluation of man out of only his color was over and became something of the past. What we discovered the racism is still inside us as a volcano which erupts from time to time. We discovered that we are infected by the virus however there are no symptoms,

We should stop this conventions and international charters which are mainly about the resistance of intolerance and the racial discrimination as these conventions involve many obligations and duties for countries and governments. At the same time, these conventions ignore the most important point, which is the man himself.

To solve this problem from the very beginning we should educate, refine, and culture man with this important value which is equivalence.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2014-04-04 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1639
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