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A Thin Female Voice | Alamir Kamal Farag

The observers of the 30th June revolution will be able to clearly hear the feminie voice in the chants, and will easily discover that there was a great number of women who participated in the revolution.

The feminine voice is characterized by being so decent and high-frequent. It was a very pleasant scene to see brave women who got out to support men in the greatest mission; to throw the tyrant regime. The role of the Egyptian women will be always highlighted in the history of the 25th January 2011 and 30th June 2013 .

The Egyptian women has proved rare and special bravery in the squares. They faced the soldiers of Security Forces. They were subjected to be beaten, raped, and injuries. All these circumstances did not prevent them to go out .

It was not strange for them, as they are the grand-daughters of Queen Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Shagrat al-Dur, and many others who helped to change the world. Some times i imagine that women had the greatest role to overthrow Mubarak’s regime and the Muslim Brotherhood’s too.

They were the main motive in revolutions. When i say women i don’t only mean old women, but i also mean the young girls from 14 to 20 which were the great slice in the squares. They were the main fuel and motivation of the revolution.

Women are about 56% of population in Egypt. Women are the half of society and the producer of the other half. Women participated in the Egyptian revolutions and also motivated the other half.

And also the contrast between the decent women and violence, the Egyptian women are envied for their great bravery. Women, who usually scared from rats, turned to be the most creative and revolutionary source for the favor of Egypt.

There is an instinctive fear of mothers on their sons, but what actually happened was that in many times, women were the first motivation for men. A young woman called Rahema Alshareef has recorded a clip and posted it on YouTube under the title of “A Massage for the Egyptian People Before 30th June”, in which she encouraged the Egyptian people to revolt against the Muslim Brotherhood regime. She said that : “Don’t be such naive to believe that psychological war. Don’t think that you cannot revolt cause you have kids. Actually you must revolt for the favor of your kids, for their future, since this government is not appropriate for leading even a cigarette booth” .

If youth is the justification and symbol of revolution, then women revolution is stronger. The theocratic dictator system mainly target to oppress women, and i don’t know the exact reason for that. Most of the -so called- Muslim regimes work to reduce the women role and deprive them from even their most simple rights. These regimes used to deal with women as a shadow of the society. At the same time, the true Islam reserved the woman’s dignity and appreciated her role in gamily and society as a whole.

The Islamic currents have exaggerated in marginalizing women, and even tried to act as if they (women) never exist. They considered women as “awrah” that should never appear or speak in public.

The women role was not limited to their participation in revolutions, but they also provided help in hospitals and campaigns.

Women have presented many forms of opposition. They participated in revolutions to express their protest against the Muslim Brotherhood constitution. They went out carrying their own coffins, they cut their hair following the example of Akhenaten’s daughter who cut her hair to condemn the injustice of the priests towards her father.

In Yemen , and in the midst of demonstrations that demanded to overthrow the ruling regime, Abdullah Saleh has made a provocative statement. This statement played a role to throw him, he criticized the presence of women in the squares and hinted that it was “haram” to gather with men in the same place.

This statement had actually encouraged women more and more to go out to proceed their revolution towards freedom.

The Egyptian women have participated in political actions thousands of years ago. The Pharaonic first queen Nate Merritt ruled in 3050 BC. So it was not strange for the Egyptian woman to participate in revolutions with their beautiful thin voice chanting to overthrow the regime.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2014-04-29 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1400
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