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The Imaginary War | Alamir Kamal Farag

Usually women are described as "the weaker sex", while men are described as "the stronger sex". This is because women are always characterized by softness, tenderheartedness, and romanticism. Through history, the beauty of the woman inspired poets, writers, and even musicians. Women have the greatest love feelings ever, especially the feelings of being a mother. Motherhood is the most important element to keep the mankind.

Through ages, the woman was the main interest of the Arabs. They even wrote about the most prominent 73 characteristics of the woman, for example: the woman is always warmhearted, romantic, gentle, soft, etc. the Arab gave a due attention to the female, that was never given to the male.

Women were also called "the gentle sex", and there is a little complement in this title, as being gentle may be a male characteristic or a female one. Also being strong or hard may be a characteristic of a female or a male person. Also being gentle or weak, strong or hard; all may be characteristics of animals or birds. So, women deserve to be described as the example of softness, kindness, mercy, beauty, and many other words of love, beauty, and romanticism.

Let's concentrate on the Arab women at the recent times and how much she was changed. Let's draw a comparison between the women in 1950 and the women in the 20th century. In 1950; the women embodied beauty, romanticism, and fashion. Women were characterized by the dark long hair, wearing short skirts. At this time, women were respected for being a true dedicated lovely female. So many poets wrote about them in their love poetry. Those women went out of existence from that time. Now there is a new kind of women.

Nowadays women work side by side with the man. Business really affected women. The long dark hair is now exchanged with the short hair. Even the fashion was affected, now there are no lovely dresses but just pants and simple shirts or blouses, even the make up disappeared.

Not only the form that was changed, but also the character was deeply affected. Now we can see girls wearing shirts and pants driving motor bikes every where. It looks like as if we live in an action movie in which girls can do any thing and acting like a strong man who chases thieves. This kind of girls was represented by a good actress Samah Anwar, who perfectly represented this kind of hard unusual girls in our society. Now woman became more rational and stronger. She also became less romantic than before. According to these strange unusual circumstances that our community lives in; a new kind of women appeared who are very close, in their style, form, wear, and character, to men.

In spite of  all these changes that had happened to women, we still call them "the weaker sex", but actually, and in spite of our conceding that they are the weaker, they are treated in a very hard inhuman way. Women in our society suffer from violence, disregarding, oppression, and discrimination in treatment. There is a huge paradox between the ways we call them "the weaker sex" and the way we treat them "a hard merciless treatment".

According to the way by which the eastern women are treated, and according to the oppression they suffer all the time on all levels; family, husband, and the whole society in general, we will find that women are not "the weaker sex", but actually they are " the oppressed slaved extorted sex".

On the other side, we admit that beauty, softness, and romanticism are the main characteristics of the women, but we can't deny that the existence of the criminal women. This kind of women that we hear about every day in the crime reports about killers, smugglers, and criminals in general. We can't deny that there are some women, who steal, swindle, spy, and many other crimes which were known to be committed by men before, now women can commit any kind of crime.

We should deal with women exactly as they are, not as they were or as they supposed to be; the weaker sex. The point is that we should be more flexible with them and change our traditional old idea about being them so weak, gentle, and romantic; as there are many kinds nowadays and each need to be treated in a different way.

So men and women are equal in law. They have the same rights and also the same duties, and the sex has no role in evaluation or judging any more. Both of them are human beings who may be good or may be bad person.

We are not against calling women by "the weaker romantic sex", only if they are really romantic and gentle. Women should be back to their main characteristics as women. "The weaker gentle romantic sex" shouldn't be a mere verbal complement, but it should be a fact. Then we should treat them in a soft kind way, because it is not fair to claim that they are the weaker and pretend that we correctly treat them in the suitable way, but actually we make them suffer from tyranny, oppression, violence in family, and society in general.

The strong hard character of man was a reason of the change that had happened in the character of the woman. Women stopped acting as women, and this was their first fault. Women should be always "the weaker sex", but they stopped considering themselves as beautiful gentle ladies. They worked hard to beat men in their imaginary war against the male element in their society. And they did achieve their imaginary victory and won their freedom, high position and superiority. Women were fascinated by freedom and the high position, but they were not aware of their huge loose. They lost their beauty, kindness, softness, and many other things that always characterized the true beautiful natural lady. They sacrificed by every beautiful things in them just to win an imaginary war that took place only in their minds.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2014-04-04 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1438
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