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Strictly Confidential | Alamir Kamal Farag

The ruling system has an effective impact on peoples life. And in spite of its importance and vivid role in determining peoples’ future - including individuals’, communities, and nations’ future - it is still unknown for many . Many people have  no idea about how the ruling system, regime, works in their countries, its rules and the founders of such rules. Is the regime legitimate or not, and what kind of its legitimacy? Is it political or religious? Is that regime working for the benefit of the country and its people or not? All these questions need answers.

The political ignorance of the answers of the previous questions is a very common feature in the Aran world. The Arabs are characterized with being “surrendered” and the ruling system is the last thing that may concern them. Most of them are poor simple people who spends all their time working to make living.

Most of the Arab people are politically oppressed and suffering from imposed regimes. They were born and found that regime that ruled through either a coup , revolution, or inheritance. So they simply learned to adapt with that fact, as the Diabetic adapts with his disease. But still some categories suffer from ignorance, this ignorance some times make people feel that the governor or the ruler is “ruling under God in land” .

The regime system is some times ignored , intentionally, and i really don’t know why; especially to acknowledge the rules and systems of ruling is a right for every citizen. Discussing and dealing with that rules is the main essentials of the civil rights.

But if the citizen was deprived from practicing his rights, how could he\she discuss the ruling systems? Some really fears to discuss such subject in public fearing from the authority of the security devices that , in some countries, prevent even talking and criticizing the rules. I guess if an institution has announced an open discussion or a seminar about this subject, all the attendances will be arrested .

When considering the different regimes around the world; we will find that , according to my own definitions, there are some kinds such as : pure monarchy, constitutional monarchy, pure republic, and constitutional republic. And these are the four main types of contemporary regimes. During the ancient times, The Islamic Caliphate was the main ruling system in the Arab world. Step by step, this regime has been turned to monarchy, then to a constitutional monarchy, and finally to different kinds of republic.

But what is the most suitable ruling system? What are the criteria that must be considered when choosing this system? And who has the right to choose or to determine such criteria? Does the people have the right to choose their ruling system? Or it is just imposed on them ? And what if the people rejected their ruling regime, is there specific mechanism to ensure the process of changing? Or the ruling system is a matter of life and death that is one of the life constants that can never be changed?

Are the contemporary regimes keeping up with the time of the scientific and cultural development ? And can they be applied to the new theories or achieve the global economic unity?

  Wether we like it or not, the whole universe is close to unity. The global terrorism, the Greenhouse Effect, and the global financial crisis are some evidences on my theory. These incidents have affected the whole world.

The observers of the contemporary regimes will find that these regimes may be classified as : democratic and dictator ones, which may also be subdivided into monarchies and republics, and also some mysterious entity that gathers between democracy and monarchy, others pretend to be democratic but mainly dictator. The main common feature between all such regimes is their Disability to satisfy the needs of their peoples.

We cannot neglect the shortcomings and defects that some , even democratic, regimes suffer from. Some republics preferred to restore the monarchy regime again by the inheritance of the presidents’ sons of ruling, in which the president is followed by his son “to turn to a strange regime of royal-republic at the same time”.

I wish we can discuss this “forbidden Strictly Confidential” file of ruling systems, starting with the legitimacy of some contemporary regimes to find out the most appropriate system. I completely aware of the fact that the dictator regimes are so oppressive and forbid such discussions, or even try to prevent even thinking about that subject. But the legitimate regimes will never be affected, and even will welcome such discussions considering it an evidence for its democracy. It also will gain some corrections, if needed, in their political performance.

The objective discussions of the political issues will help in increasing people’s awareness of the benefit and changes imposed by the new circumstances. It will also contribute in making people fully understand their civil rights, the thing that will prevent, or at least ease, any possible clash.

I know it is very complicated problem, but it is a step forward. It’s time for the Arab citizens to get their rights, and the most important their political right to choose the appropriate ruling systems.

تاريخ الإضافة: 2014-05-01 تعليق: 0 عدد المشاهدات :1390
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